This book is for you if:
You are looking for new sources of inspiration for your professional or personal creations, here are 157 new and unique colours to create attractive and lasting new shades.
You like and work with natural and vegetable dyes, this book will be your workbook with the colorimetric characteristics of each colour.
You are attached to ancestral know-how and you are keen to learn about it, to keep it alive and to disseminate it, this book is a heritage nugget.
The authors
Dominique Cardon, one of the world’s leading specialists in natural dyes, has transcribed an 18th century sample dyer’s manuscript in a modern and accessible form, thus bringing back 157 colours from the past: chamois, beaver grey, pomegranate flower, celestial blue, golden cinnamon, milk chocolate, English gunpowder, fire scarlet, sea green, pale flesh… She co-authored this book with Iris Brémaud, a researcher at the CNRS.
Listen to Dominique Cardon presenting her book on Euro-Web-Textile !